Callback support and a version bump for jquery-simple-color

The jquery-simple-color plugin has received a bunch of callback-related goodness thanks to jbergen. He’s also added a live preview option which displays the currently-hovered-on color. ...

April 8, 2013 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

jQuery SimpleColor plugin hits version 1.0

A couple of weeks ago someone commented on the SimpleColor plugin with a nice suggestion - adding the selected color as text inside the color selection button. I finally got around to implementing this last night, and added a couple of extra options to support this : ...

December 7, 2010 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

Simulate delayed-fade in jQuery

Unfortunately there is no .delay() function in jQuery. You can fake this, however, by using the .fadeTo() function: $("#my_element").fadeIn(1000).fadeTo(5000, 1).fadeOut(1000); ...

July 15, 2008 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

Format JSON with PHP


March 11, 2008 · 2 min · Dave Perrett

jQuery i18n Translation Plugin

2013-03-28 Update : This plugin is now hosted on GitHub 2010-09-29 Update : This plugin has been moved from subversion to git, and now has a dedicated project page . Subversion updates will be discontinued, so please update your links to point to the latest version! ...

February 21, 2008 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

jQuery SimpleColor Color-Picker

2013-03-28 Update : This plugin is now hosted on GitHub 2010-09-29 Update : This plugin has been moved from subversion to git, and now has a dedicated project page. Subversion updates will be discontinued, so please update your links to point to the latest version! ...

December 18, 2007 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

JScript Debugger for IE

First, download and install the debugger from the IE Blog Next, you need to make sure that debugging is enabled in the IE options. Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced and make sure these options are de-selected : ...

July 26, 2007 · 1 min · Dave Perrett

Javascript Hash Class

After recently switching from prototype to the incredible jQuery, I had trouble finding an altermative for prototype’s Hash class. I ended up writing one based on MojaveLinux ’s Javascript Hash Table article. It implements the length, first, keys, invoke, each, remove, item, itemByIndex, set and hasKey functions. You’ll need some extra array functions to use this class. ...

July 25, 2007 · 2 min · Dave Perrett

Useful JScript Array Functions

A couple of useful array manipulation functions: clear, inArray and remove. Courtesy of Todd Ditchendorf ...

July 25, 2007 · 1 min · Dave Perrett